Get real feedback from your target audience with vetted beta readers

Book a beta reading service with a vetted beta reader.

Are you sick of being ghosted by beta readers or scammed by fakes?

Real readers will read your manuscript and provide feedback.

Get matched with a reliable beta reader in the U.S. who regularly reads your genre. All beta readers who contract with us are required to pass assessments before taking an assignment.

Get beta readers to tell you the truth.

You won’t have to worry about beta readers sugar coating the criticism. Honesty is the best policy, and our trustworthy beta readers will tell you the truth, even if it’s not pleasant.

Keep your work protected.

Do you worry about beta readers stealing your work? Beta Reader Bookings LLC takes extra precautions to give you peace of mind and keep your manuscript safe while it’s in our hands.

Choose how you order beta reading services.

We offer two ways to order beta reading services. Order directly online through our beta reading services shop, or send us an email to inquire about a custom order.

In a hurry for feedback on your manuscript?

We offer several options for expedited feedback delivery.

Ready to get feedback on your manuscript?

Book a beta reader online or email us to start a custom order.

  • Your Beta Reader Checklist: 10 Things to Consider

    There’s a lot to consider before sending your manuscript to beta readers. And there’s even more to consider once you’ve received their feedback. To make the most of your time and, possibly, your money, it’s wise to have a beta reader checklist ready beforehand. This post highlights some of the most important things to consider…

    Read more: Your Beta Reader Checklist: 10 Things to Consider
  • Your Beta Reader Checklist: 10 Things to Consider

    There’s a lot to consider before sending your manuscript to beta readers. And there’s even more to consider once you’ve received their feedback. To make the most of your time and, possibly, your money, it’s wise to have a beta reader checklist ready beforehand. This post highlights some of the most important things to consider…

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  • What Beta Reader Questions Should Authors Ask?

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  • How to Find Beta Readers for Your Manuscript

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  • Contact Beta Reader Bookings LLC

    We strive to return emails within two business days. To avoid delays, please follow the instructions below to reach customer service for platform. Please send all queries to Kate at [email protected] and choose one of the following subject lines. If you need to reach us for a reason other than those listed above, please…

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